All my 80’s babies and fans of the 80’s (aka me!!!) will hopefully understand (and appreciate) that reference. One of the best movies of all time, amirite? The 80’s was such a special time for music, movies, culture, fashion… geeze I could go on and on. Plus, Molly is a redhead and I can’t help but stan an iconic redhead. We need more representation!
It was literally almost 100 degrees out when I shot this outfit in the park and I’m extremely positive all the people there thought I had absolutely lost my mind. Which, I don’t blame them but what’s a girl to do when it’s Fall but you live in Florida? I like living here, but the weather (and critters!!!!! omg the critters!) are terrible.
Speaking of critters, there’s a gator in the pond by our house, I’m literally at war with tree frogs (who have claimed territory over my front door), and there are poisonous snakes across the street. Don’t move to Florida, y’all. It’s crazy up in here. And hotter than you know what.

I scored this cute overall dress at Ross! (That never happens to me). It was love at first sight, I tell ya. But I found the exact same dress on Amazon, lucky for y’all! My shirt is from Elixe Boutique, which is a brand committed to helping women who have been victims of sex crimes, a cause near and dear to my heart.

I took another one of my strolls through Target the other day and came across Maybelline’s Crayon Lipstick. It’s an all day type of deal and I really, really like it! The fragrance is amazing, the color stays well, and they have a range of colors that compliments cool undertones, which can be really hard to find in the makeup industry! Let me know if you would like a full review of their line!

The great thing about an overall dress is that you can dress it up or down! I’ve worn t shirts under this puppy with some simple sneakers. Or you can go picnic style and wear a blouse under it, combined with a wrap in your hair. I opted for booties and a fedora on this one because I felt like it screamed Autumn has arrived (except in Florida). Pray for cooler weather, y’all! I might just die.
That’s all for today, ladies (and gents). I’m gonna Google cabins in the Rockies and dream of a fall surrounded by mountains and falling maple leaves.
Much love,
Beautiful! Love your whole look!
Thanks for your ever constant support!
You are simply gorgeous and always will be😘
Love you big time, Brook! I miss you!
Aw! I miss you too!
You look beautiful!
Thank you so much!!!
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.